Sunday, April 6, 2008

The kitty litter box.

Oh man I almost forgot. So I spend tons of money that I needed to save on a new litter box. As some of you know I have two cats. One is little and only weighs 6 lbs and hates the world most days and then there is Sasquatch. He lives up to his name. The cat id 25 lbs easy and loves to torture the entire house. He has us all trained to feed him on command and pretty much allow him to do what ever he wants. Even the dogs let him rub under their chin for attention. So any way I bought this littler box that does the scooping for you. This in the past has been the kids job to scoop the litter and it has been a hated job. Well now we are all loving the littler box but none as much as Sass. He hears it go off and comes running to watch it scoop. I have laughed my buns off while he is thundering through the house to catch it moving. I only hope that he continues to love it and stops jumping in to watch the rake move. I think he might wear it out by playing with it. Darn Cat.

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